February 10, 2025 9:22 pm

Re-Animator Stars Reunite with Dr. Hill's Head Prop from Original Film
Re-Animator Stars Reunite with Dr. Hill's Head Prop from Original Film

Re-Animator Stars Reunite with Dr. Hill’s Head Prop from Original Film

A recent Re-Animator reunion even included one of the most notable props from the cult classic horror film. In the Stuart Gordon film, which was released in 1985, Jeffrey Combs stars as Herbert West, a medical student who discovers how to “re-animate” dead bodies with a special serum. Horror legend Barbara Crampton also stars in a main role as the Dean’s daughter Megan while David Gale played Dr. Hill, an enemy of Herbert’s who winds up having his head severed and re-animated.


​Barbara Crampton and Jeffrey Combs reunited with the prop used for Dr. Hill’s head in the cult classic horror movie Re-Animator. Read More